NFRC Blue Roof Guidance

ABG helps write the NFRC guidance notes for Blue Roofs

ABG were part of the NFRC’s Technical Committee, and as a leading manufacturer of blue roof systems, we are pleased to have helped write the industry guidance.

NFRC guidance notes for Blue Roofs including ABG blueroof

The new technical guidance note on blue roofs from the NFRC has been published, highlighting some of the key design and installation considerations and issues .

The topic of stormwater management, and the associated SuDS ‘best practice’ requirements, is an increasingly important element of construction design.

At the cutting edge of roof design are ‘blue roofs’ – the concept of using the roof or podium areas to temporarily attenuate rainwater during peak storm events, reducing or eliminating the requirement for attenuation capacity elsewhere at ground-level, or via large subterranean tanks.

Blue roofs’ are a change in current thinking, and utilises the roof or podium construction for the attenuation of stormwater during periods of heavy rainfall. It is then released at a controlled discharge rate into the environment, as prescribed by the project’s planning requirements.

The stormwater attenuation requirements are met within the roof or podium build-up, especially on tight urban sites, or where contaminated land is present making other SuDS techniques difficult to employ.

ABG blueroof is a Blue Roof system to attenuate water within the green roof system

ABG blueroof system

ABG’s blue roof system has the ability to provide a SuDS attenuation solution for a new or retrofit development. The drainage/attenuation layers are specifically designed with enhanced water storage capacity, and the discharge is controlled using a patented outlet.

Designing a green, paved, or ballasted roof in this way, allows storage capacities suitable for a one-in-a-hundred year storm event to be achieved.

The benefits to the overall project include:

  • An ‘at source’ solution, and at the top of the ‘SuDS Hierarchy’ for planning purposes
  • Controlled storage and release of stormwater in line with SuDS best practice/legislation
  • Places stormwater attenuation within the footprint of the building
  • A zero-falls, weatherproofing membrane system
  • Reduction in number of roof penetrations and RWOs required
  • Overall time benefits and cost savings vs. traditional SuDS methods for the project team
  • Often reducing the requirement, and associated costs involved for the installation of underground tanks

Blue roof projects from ABG:

ABG blueroof, 160 Old Street, London, UK

ABG blueroof, Green Extensive & Paved Areas, 1 Charter Square, Sheffield, UK

ABG blueroof Green Extensive Roof, Huddersfield University

ABG blueroof Green Biodiverse, Moreland Primary School, Islington, UK

ABG blueroof Green Extensive Roof, Rathbone Market, UK

For further information please contact ABG’s Building Team or click the following link:

Blue roof chamber

Installing the attenuation system on a blue roof system

Finished ABG blue roof with an extensive green roof sedum surface